Game Remakes
Download Love Story: The Beach Cottage game

Love Story: The Beach Cottage

Experience a Love Story!

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4 stars award


Experience the pureness and innocence of your first love in Love Story: The Beach Cottage. Haunted by memories connected with the Beach House left behind forty years ago, Sandra must return to the place she's been trying to forget all of her life to fulfill her father's last will. Help Sandra relive painful memories of the loss of her first true love, and become stronger in the process, in this unique Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game!



Love Story: The Beach Cottage screenshot Love Story: The Beach Cottage screenshot Love Story: The Beach Cottage screenshot

PC system requirements:

  • Windows XP/Vista
  • Processor 1.6 GHz
  • RAM 1 GB
  • DirectX 9.0
  • Hard Drive: 271 MB

Mac system requirements:

  • macOS 10.5
  • Processor 1.6 GHz
  • RAM 1 GB
  • Hard Drive: 255 MB

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