Game Remakes
Download Aqua Pearls game

Aqua Pearls

Join Aquatic in his underwater quest to recover a stolen necklace!

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3 stars award


Aqua Pearls is a wonderfully crafted adventure, that revolves around a mysterious theft. A magic pearls necklace, that protects four oceans from evil, has been stolen. A funny bubble hero, named Aquatic, has been chosen to find all pearls and restore peace to the ocean world. This is where you step in. To accomplish the mission, you must lead Aquatic through a multitude of challenging levels with plenty of match-and-pop puzzles on the way.



Aqua Pearls screenshot Aqua Pearls screenshot Aqua Pearls screenshot

PC system requirements:

  • Windows 98/2000/Me/XP
  • DirectX 8.0
  • 128 MB RAM
  • Processor 700 MHz

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