Game Remakes
Download Match Marbles 3 game

Match Marbles 3

Match marbles, enjoy bonuses, and create your own unique solutions.

Download for PC (126.80 MB) Buy full PC version ($6.99)
4 stars award


The sand swishes underfoot and it is harder and harder to keep walking. Suddenly, an island of green appears in the distance. You take a gulp of water as you have overcome the last part of the way. You can now enjoy the cool shade. Dive into this hot and relaxing adventure! New game objects have been added: Sand and a Stone Amphora. Try not to use all of the bonuses at once. They could come in useful to break the amphora. Don’t hurry, there is no timer in this game. The wind will blow the sand away after it is hit by an orb.



Match Marbles 3 screenshot Match Marbles 3 screenshot Match Marbles 3 screenshot

PC system requirements:

  • Windows 7/8/10/11
  • Processor 1.4 GHz
  • 2 GB RAM
  • DirectX 9
  • 150 MB free storage space

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